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Plant-based Tokyo Japanese restaurant guide

Plant-based Tokyo Japanese restaurant guide

作者: Momoko Nakamura

価格 3080(税込)
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Momoko Nakamura, also known as Rice Girl, introduces the people of plant-based Tokyo. Each chef and restaurant owner, tell their stories, revealing why they've landed in plant-based cooking, how they came to open their restaurant, and their approach to flavors and ingredients. Vegan and vegetarian restaurants in Tokyo, and across the rest of Japan, may first appear to be few and far between, but in fact, Japan has a long history of plant-based cuisine. Japanese traditionally eat a highly vegetable-centric diet. Organic, pesticide and fertilizer-free fruits and vegetables that are farmed with care, are at the heart of each restaurant's menus. Combined with fermented foods that have been passed down from generation to generation, make for a uniquely Japanese approach to plant-based cookery. Because Japan is a hyper-seasonal country, the earth's bounty evolves in accords to the poetry that is the traditional Japanese microseasonal calendar. Through PLANT-BASED TOKYO, Tokyoites as well as visitors, can be sure to find delicious, quality, thoughtful food, that most anyone can enjoy without hesitation or concern. A few of Rice Girl's favorite greengrocers and farmers markets are also noted, for those who are interested in cooking at home, or picking up gifts for friends. These are the top places to eat plant-based in Tokyo! PLANT-BASED TOKYO is a bilingual book. Both the English and Japanese are written by Rice Girl. + 続きを読む


ジャンル ビジネス・実用等 > 教育・学問・資格
電子版発売日 2019/08/23
紙の本発売日 2019/07/16 ( 2010年代 )
ページ数: P288
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  • ほしい物リストへ
  • ひかりTVブック BLレーベル『pirka2(ピリカピリカ)』


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